Monday, September 23, 2019

Prisoners rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Prisoners rights - Research Paper Example This is because of the harsh living conditions that prisoners are subjected to. However being a correctional facility, the system is meant to mould inmates to follow simple rules to fit in society again once they are released (Hudson, 2007). It is important to note that prisoners are entitled to limited rights in a jail setting since some of the civil rights are stripped at the time they are incarcerated. However as per the Eighth amendment of the Federal constitution, prisoners are protected from cruel and unusual punishment on the basis of race, sex or creed. They are entitled to affordable minimum standards of living and food to sustain an average person adequately. In this regard, the sandwich given for lunch by the government is a way of according prisoners affordable living standards (Pertersilia et al, 2012). The wearing of pink pants therefore does not in any way curtail the constitution rights of prisoners. It is prudent to appreciate the correctional facilities and the role they play in our society. It is important to note that other rights are strictly regulated by individual prison systems and therefore are not guaranteed. For example, visitations are not a personal right but nevertheless are allowed. Different state correctional facilities can adopt different measures for prisoners to be law abiding citizens again. This is acceptable as long as they are not overboard and infringe on prisoner

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